All the views are my own. Any view that hurts the sentiment of any person is purely unintentional. (Though wouldn't mind it much if you are a twilight fan).
The twilight saga consists of the following books:
New Moon
Breaking Dawn
(I guess you already knew that!!!!)
The twilight saga is a rage among children and adults alike, with students in classes 4 and 5 being ardent readers. I also agree to the fact that Meyer is a great author and all her books are well written but what I don't like is the storyline and ever too predictable plot. Thus my interest in the books dwindled after the first two books.
My views on the books are as follows:

So long story short, don't read Twilight unless you can laugh at it.

Bella and Edward's relationship went from meeting to endless impossible co-dependence in an instant. It's a bit gross, and not a great message for, well anyone. Her relationship with Jacob is fun healthy twinged with a bit of desperation (as Bella is essentially using him). I prefer Jacob obviously. But, throughout all of New Moon, Bella is depressed and frankly obnoxious. She whines, moons, bemoans the hole Edward has left in her chest. This Hole practically becomes a new character as it's referenced so damn much.
As with Twilight, the plot as it were begins as the book winds down (Chapter 20 or so) the rest of the book is a story of an overly mature (maybe not emotionally mature) young woman trying to hold her life together as she heals from a break up. Which, if you've ever experienced that pain, reading it for millions of pages will be exceptionally grating.
Eclipse: It is one of the most well written book by Meyer. A great storyline( for a change) but the book loses its way as it is way too lengthy. I've been trucking along on my way through the series and I will admit that this is the best book I've read in the series thus far. Bella to me is still such an annoying character that you really can't understand what all the hype is about her in the supernatural/mythological world she's been thrown into. Bella sees herself as undeserving of the attention and, as a reader, I agree with her. She shows bravery at times, yes, but she does it for selfish reasons. Everything is blown out of proportion in her own mind that it makes her such a melodramatic character. I don't think I will ever like Bella at this point which is a shame since she is the protagonist of the series!
Now onto this book itself, aside from my annoyances with Bella I still love the other characters that Meyers has created. It was also wonderful to have the mythos of her universe expanded upon with the werewolves vs. the vampires and the vampire wars of the past. If Meyers would spend more focus on these elements of her universe I think the books would be more interesting however I understand that this is a romance and obviously the focus needs to be on that.
I found the scenes between Jacob and Edward to be quite good in that they provided a true conflict that has been, I felt, missing from the other books. The only issue is that from the get-go the reader knows that Bella will stay with Edward so really it just feels unnecessary, even though Meyers writes great moments between them.
I still feel that a thousand pages is too long. What is was only about 500-700 pages long!!!!! It still fells like a thousand pages.
Breaking Dawn: If New Moon was atrocious then I have no word in my dictionary to describe Breaking Dawn. I expected a lot from this final book but it turned out to be utterly disappointing.I dislike 'Breaking Dawn' the most out of the series. I could hardly believe that the author would actually put a teenage girl becoming pregnant in this series. If she wanted to make this book more adult, then she could have put more detail in certain chapters, but none of that was the premise of it. I hated how the plot and how it was all written. I hated how everything surrounded Bella's pregnancy and Edward's not want/want for the child. The only thing I liked was Jacob's point of view. Also, there were entirely too many new characters who we were all supposed to remember being introduced. Stephenie Meyer's should have introduced a few characters at a time throughout the series rather than bombarding the readers with them. On top of that, it was very anti-climactic. The transformation of Bella was one thing I was looking forward to but the excitement lasted a few pages while the description of Bella jumping across a river for her first hunt is more elaborately described. The end was nothing to great actually I felt it was pathetic.A huge fight was expected between the Volturi and the army assembled by the Cullens but no war occurred. I hated how this book was written and how everything in it was approached. Poor work on the author's part.
I am a staunch supporter of uours Pranit.
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