Abel Rosnovski, Charlie Trumper, Richard Armstrong, Florentyna Kane .... you can add one more name to that list of Jeffrey Archer's Legendary Characters - George Mallory. Archer spins a memorable tale around a real life character. He uses real life names and events and along with his magical story telling ability, Paths of Glory becomes a real Masterpiece.
There isn't much to tell when your hero lives for all of 38 years. But Archer has the gift for describing even small events and twists in such vibrant detail that not once do you want to put the book down. Except for George Finch there is no other character that Archer dwells upon too much. Mallory is the outright central character, never away from even a single page of the novel.
Google - "George Mallory", thats what I did the moment I finished the Book. His real life story is just as fascinating.This wasn't Archers best book but it is still a great book nevertheless.
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